Jumat, 31 Januari 2014


 Name of Game: Run and Write

Target Students: Elementary School Middle School High School
Duration: 10-20 minutes

Number of Students: Groups of 3-4

English Skills Listening Spelling Writing

Find word in list and write in on the board

  1. Give each team a list of words
  2. Have each team select a leader
  3. Teacher says one word from list several times
  4. Teams search for word, then have leader go to board and write word
  5. Leaders must give teach a Hi-five after writing the word correctly
  6. First leader to give the teacher hi-five gets five points
  7. Next leader to finished gets 4 points, next one 3, etc
You can make a word list or just use the word index in the back of your textbook. Students cannot shout letters out to leader but they can show it to her/him as many times as they need. Encourage them to say the letters out loud when the leader come over for help. Subtracting a point from noisy teams helps keep things under control.
Make sure to switch leaders after every word and do a follow up exercise with the words used.

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